Joseph’s New Tomato Chair

Dear Ann and the CWSNF team,

Just a few lines to say a very big thank you for purchasing Joe’s ‘special tomato’ floor sitter chair. You can see him sitting in it, in the attached photos.

His only other chair is his wheelchair which is much higher, more structured and more formal. This new floor sitter is wonderful because it is soft, comfortable and easy to manoeuvre – whilst also providing Joe with the postural support he needs. Most importantly, it’s at low level, so it means when he’s at home, he is at the same level as his 2 younger brothers, aged 5 and 2. This means they can all interact physically, playing on Joe’s lap or simply being able to hold Joe’s hand.

Thank you very much to you and the CWSNF team for supporting our family.


josephs new tomato chair1 josephs new tomato chair2