
Keep up to date with all the CWSNF news, visits, trips and fundraising activities!

Sue Raises Money for CWSNF

Sue has just launched a series of new prints on her website and will be making a contribution on all sales to CWSNF.  Please take a look at her beautiful prints on with Facebook or Instagram. Sue and her husband Roger have been long standing supporters of our Charity and we are very grateful to her for…

New Library at The Park School

Covid restrictions bring many challanges for schools and Special Needs Children. Working in bubbles at school mean that not all books can be made available for all children. We were delighted to help The Park School by giving a donation of £3,000 towards a new set of Library books and resources, so that all children…

Christmas Joy

Thanks to the generous supporters,  who bought tickets for our 2 online Christmas Raffles and another fantastic donation, we were able to deliver 75 Christmas Hampers to some very deserving families, just before Christmas! In these challenging times, it was great to be able to spread a little love, to those that need it most!

Callie’s New Seat

When you are 17 years old, you need a supportive and comfortable seat on your electric wheelchair! Callie’s parents contacted us to see if we could help and we were delighted to be able to purchase a new specially moulded seat for Callie. Now he can whizz around in safety and comfort!  Think you can…

Assistance Dog for Keira

Keira is a young girl who lives in Chobham and is autistic.  Her family were fund raising for a therapy dog to help Keira through her day to day routine. They had raised 50% of the figure required when the charity heard about this project.  As we had previously helped another family with a therapy…

Beijing Bear Calendars

A lady in Chobham won one of our big bears, at a fund raiser in The Beijing Guildford! She named him Bear Beijing and he has been on facebook over the lockdown period in various guises, keeping people entertained! She had printed some calendars featuring Beijing Bear and is selling them for £5 each with…

Minibus for The Lighthouse School for the Deaf

The Lighthouse at Guildford Grove School is a special School for children with hearing difficulties. When we heard they have never had a minibus for off school visits and were in desperate need, it was great to be able to help out! Special thanks must go to Michelle and Russell, who made an amazing donation…

Covid Rules Golf Day at Swinley Forest Golf Club

This year has proved challenging for our fundraising efforts! When we were given the go ahead for a small number of teams to play ( only 7 teams!) we took the chance and organised a day of Golf! We are so very grateful to Swinley Forest GC and to those who came along to play,…

Tricycle for Millie!

So lucky to receive this 3 wheel bike from one of our supporters! Millie attends Carwarden House School in Camberley and found a 2 wheeler too difficult to ride. This new Tricycle allows Millie to go out an about with her friends and family and helps with her mobility and balance! She has been practising around the…